11 items found

The Mystery of Camaldolese. The Hermitage of Bielany, Krakow.

In the hermitage park on a winter afternoon. Bielany, Krakow.

The Bieniszew Camaldolese Monastery

In order to achieve union with God, you have to free yourself from everything that is not God. The hermitage of Bielany, Krakow.

The cover of the album “The Mystery of Camaldolese”

St. Romuald, founder of the Camaldolese Order, saw a train of monks clad in white ascending into heaven; today their simple white habits represent the austerity of represent yhe austerity of the monastic rule.

The dead are nut buried in coffins, but walled up in an tomb

Father Romuald studies alone in your his cell – with is the best nurturer of the life of solitude. The hermitage of Bielany, Krakow.

Prayer in the monastic crypt. The Hermitage of Bieniszew.